Disclaimer: These information is for the purpose of medical awreness and disease symptoms.
HEADACHE Primary headache nit associated with underlying pathology like tension headache cluster or migraines Secondary due to underlying pathology like infection neoplasm Red flags are nausea Vomiting Rash Visual symptoms Sudden onset Associated with seizures or personality changes Blood pressure Eye problems Neurological problems Most common cause is tension headache due to stressors Migraines can be severe headache with nausea vomiting or visual problems Anti emetics triptans Beta blockers Amitryptalline may be helpful Avoid triggers Avoid cheese chocolate alcohol stress weather changes menstruation Check blood sugars Lack of iron can cause Deficiency of B vitamins Treatment Avoid triggers Proper nutrition Exercise Constructive thinking Breakfast take fruits Lunch take more proteins Dinner take starch Water warm with honey Yogic kriyas like jalneti Pranayams Shavasana And meditation helps
High blood pressure Blood pressure means the pressure of the blood in the arteries. Means diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg and systolic blood pressure more than 140. These are the readings when the reading is the highest pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. The bottom reading is the lowest pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes. A certain level of blood pressure is essential to keep the blood circulating in the body.The blood which circulates through the arteries supplies every cell with nourishment and oxygen. The blood pressure is measured by instrument called sphygmomanometer in millimetres of mercury. 2 or more high readings to be taken into consideration. Risk factors are obesity, smoking, alcohol,high salt intake, genetic factors, stress. hypercholesterolemia and sedentary lifestyle. Hypertension is a silent killer and can cause heart diseases and paralysis if left untreated long term. Headaches, chest pains, dizziness, aches and pains in body, palpitations, frequent urination, fatigue, tiredness, wakefulness sometimes bleeding from nose. Bloods. Urea and electrolytes, cholesterol and blood glucose, ECG, urine dipstick. The kidneys play an important role in controlling blood pressure . Repeated infections in kidneys can also cause high blood pressure. Lifestyle modification Sleep hygiene Proper diet avoid meat and eggs, take vegetables like carrot, cucumber, garlic cloves, spinach, onions. Amla, lemon, water melon are effective Multivitamins, calcium and potassium rich foods should also be taken. Avoid and reduce salt intake to minimum. Exercise Rest try to do shavasana and meditation . Medications as recommended by doctors.
Diabetes mellitus Symptoms of increased tiredness or weight loss Recurrent thirst or other infections Problems with vision or feet Any chest pains Any vomiting Anu problems breathing Any family history of diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a long term condition which occurs when the level of glucose in the blood becomes higher than normal There are two main types of diabetes Treatment mainly by diet drugs and insulin Celery cucumber beans onion and garlic are especially beneficial Karela is very beneficial as it contains an insulin like plant insulin which lowers blood sugar levels The seeds of bitter gourd or latela can be added to food in a powdered form Jamun is also beneficial Manganese and other minerals and nutrients Re important They should also take zinc and B complex Citrus fruits Nuts Grains Green leafy vegetable are also useful Exercise is very important Yogasans as bhujangasana Dhanurasana Halasana Useful Pranayams Meditation Regular getting rid of constipation and colon clean up Remove stress from daily life Regular check ups Regular visit to doctors Be compliant with medications
High cholesterol Refers to a high level of lipids which means Elevation of total cholesterol , triglycerides or low density lipoproteins in the blood stream. Fatty lumps called atheromas develop in the lining of the blood vessels. Risk factors are high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, thyroid problems, unhealthy diet, Genetic component. Most of the cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver.(cholesterol is a fat made in the liver from the foods we eat). 20 percent comes from the foods we eat.The body gets rid of excess cholesterol from system through bowels and kidneys. Causes are rich foods, meats, eggs, sugar, white flour, smoking, drinking alcohol,stress. Investigations Fasting lipid levels, fasting glucose, liver function tests, urea and electrolyte, thyroid function tests. Management Framingham risk equation should be calculated which will show the risk of developing heart disease and stroke . Cardio protective diet should be followed . Diet should be rich in fibres.vegetables such as lady finger, cabbage, lettuce , wheat bean, legumes rye, barley, guava, oat bran, yeast, water intake especially coriander water should be 2 litres a day. Regular exerciseis beneficial Weight management Medications according to doctors.
Hair fall Loss of hair at a young age has become a common disorder these days Most important cause is inadequate nutrition Stress . anxiety General weakness Chronic illness Anaemia Thyroid problems Hereditary Treat the cause Blood tests Essential nutrients in daily diet Adequate protein intake Adequate intake of iodine Vitamin B . Well balanced correct diet Seeds nuts grains . vegetables Fruits Milk Vegetable oils Honey Wheat germ Yeast Scalp should be rubbed vigorously after washing the hair with cold water Amla in coconut oil Fresh amla juice and lemon juice used as a shampoo Juice of green coriander Use of castor oil as hair oil Mustard oil . Massage coconut milk in hair roots Vitamin B Pantothenic acid Vitamin C all are useful
Menopause Permanent cessation of ovarian function Around 50 Red flag is any bleeding at least 1 year after your period has stopped Sometimes women are troubled with vaginal dryness, hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, headache The menopause usually occurs when the ovaries stop producing eggs and this results in lower levels of female hormones Blood tests LH FSH Estrogen Although it can not be avoided but we can make it a smooth affair Diet is most important and we should supplement with protein, calcium, vitamin D E Seeds and nuts Vegetables Fresh fruits Freshly made fruits and vegetable juices Hot flushes and night sweats will disappear with vitamin E Look after the bone health also Hormone therapy is successful but cannot be recommended long term because of carcinogenic effect. Carrot and beets root juice is useful Plenty of outdoor exercise Avoid mental and emotional stress Dont worry about getting old Positive mental outlook will definitely help Sometimes some antidepressants can help with low mood Remember the healthier the woman is , the fewer menopausal symptoms she will get They should have regular cervical smears and mammograms Vaginal dryness apply local estrogens given per vaginum daily until symptoms better at the discretion and advise of a gynecologist
Anxiety disorder Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition when you have excessive anxiety on most days. The cause is unknown Triggers stressful event or genetic component . Symptoms may be awareness of heart beat, feeling irritable, dry mouth, nausea , avoiding certain situations due to fear or anxiety ,problems sleeping, Sometimes people have obsessive compulsive disorder where they wash a lot , check things a lot, these problems trouble them a lot Feeling anxious is sometimes perfectly normal.But people with generalized anxiety disorder find it hard to control their worries. Constant feelings affect their day to day life . Treatment Self help strategies Exercise Psychological counseling Anti anxiety medicines Well balanced diet Seeds, nuts grains, fruits and vegetables Avoid white sugar avoid white flour,avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and fried foods. Regular diet Try applying ice bag to the stomach area for 10 to 15 minutes Juices such as orange and lime beneficial . Ginger juice along with rock salt is also helpful. Apple and garlic are also useful to help in digestion Other measures as general and abdominal massage and daily sun and cool air baths for short duration can also help Support groups are also there If the anxiety is too much urgently see a psychiatrist.
Depression This is a state of persistent low mood,that interferes with day to day life. The symptoms may vary from slight sadness to utter misery and dejection Suicide is the major risk in extreme cases of depression. The patient suffers from guilt, oppressive feelings, self absorption Felling tired and sleep disturbances sometimes nausea, itching, irritability, lack of concentration, persistent sadness helpless ness and hopelessness Questionnaire Hospital anxiety and depression score is useful Exercise Diet ,completely exclude tea, coffee, alcohol soft drinks and chocolate. Diet should be restricted to three meals. Use more of alfalfa seeds, moong, cottage cheese, butter milk is useful. Exercise produces chemical and psychological changes that improve mental health. Yogic asanas and pranayams helpful. Psychological counseling Anti depressant medications Relaxation using savasana or dead pose. Meditation which will help create a balance in the nervous system Regularity of time, place and practice are very important in meditation. Severe cases should seek immediate help with psychiatrists
Asthma Common condition affecting the airways of the lungs. Results in wheeze, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Patients suffering from asthma appear to be gasping for breath. They have more trouble exhaling than inhaling. All asthmatics have more difficulty at night especially during sleep. The onset of asthma is either gradual or abrupt. Foggy weather aggravates the symptoms. For many it is an allergic condition resulting from reaction of the system to the weather, food ,drugs, perfumes and other irritants. Sometimes non allergic factors including emotional tension, air pollution, infections and hereditary factors. Sometimes family history of asthma, eczema or hay fever . Dampness or dust at home may aggravate. Tests such as spirometry, reversibility testing, and chest xray. Treatment includes lifestyle modification, provide a personal written action plan, stepwise management of asthma using inhalers , theophylline, steroids, montelukast . Diet therapy.fast for a few days on lemon juice and one fruit juice to eliminate toxins Avoid foods like sugar, curd, rice, lentils. Asthmatics should eat less than capacity. Chew properly. Avoid spices, pickles and chillies. Honey should be used. The older the age of honey the better it is. Get rid of constipation by drugs or enema. Steam bath, hot foot bath is also good . Garlic is also beneficial. Steaming ginger tea is good. Teaspoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk is useful. Mustard oil mixed with camphor is also helpful , to be rubbed on back of chest to relieve congestion. Regular fasting once a week. Light exercises. Yogasana. Pranayams. Avoid dusty places, mental worries, cold foods. Life threatening asthma or severe asthma patients should be admitted.
Facial Pain Check for toothaches, sinusitis, swelling and tenderness of parotid glands. Short duration will be due to.shingles, cluster headaches, giant cell arteritis. Longer duration could be due to post herpetic neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, dysfunction of the jaw joint. Trigeminal neuralgia is unilateral, paroxysmal attacks of pain lasting for less than 1 second to 2 mins. Sharp attacks, intense, stabbing pains on one or more divisions of face Trigger factors are there No neurological signs are there. Pain in jaw, cheek, and chin. Refractory period may be there after the attack. Sometimes there is continuous pain But this is atypical trigeminal neuralgia Response to a drug advised by the doctor will help . This is called carbamazepine Only to be taken on prescription.
Back Pain Non specific back pain is most common. Causes may be sciatica Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Cauda equina syndrome Poor posture Joint strain Muscular tension Incorrect nutrition. When the muscles of the back are not exercised and remain weak the chances of injury to them is increased. Red flags are any numbness or tingling of the legs or back passage Any lost of control of bowels or bladder Any fever or weight loss. Family history of back problems Disc are in between the bony block at the back .They are made of cushions of cartilage that act as shock absorbers for the back.Sometimes these cushions rupture and the pulp protrudes a little, called slip disc. If cushion disappears entirely called as degenerated disc. Most important is exercise which improves the supply of nutrients to spine. Control your weight. Sleep on a firm mattress. Always squat and bend the knees keeping the back straight to pick things up. Diet should be good.plenty of fruits, steamed vegetables, whole wheat,raw salad, sprouts Avoid fatty food, spices and fried foods, sweets, tea, coffee. Have proteins and vitamin c, vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus. Hot fomentations Yogic asanas Structured exercise programme Massage Acupuncture Referral to pain clinic Muscle relaxants Physiotherapy
Palpitations This is awareness of ones heartbeat Due to cardiac issues Anxiety If older age group, male sex, presence of coronary artery disease, palpitations are irregular, palpitations felt at work, palpitations which last more than 5 mins, starts and ends suddenly, rapid palpitations. Need to see doctor immediately Any regular medications being taken like bronchodilators, amlodepine, thyroxine. Cold decongestants. Alcohol, smoking , cocaine, amphetamines 24 hour ECG is mandatory Blood tests as thyroid, CBC and kidney function tests. If related to a condition where irregular heart beats called atrial fibrillation cardiac referral. Stop caffeine, alcohol ,tea. lifestyle measures. Anxiety related ,self help measures.
Swelling of Legs Due to deep vein thrombosis Cellulitis, trauma, Acute arthritis, Gouty arthritis Ruptured bakers cyst Heart failure Anaemia. Thyroid problems Hematoma Torn muscle The causes can be many. But if one is bedridden or had a major surgery The entire leg is swollen, the calf circumference is more than 3 cm greater than the other side. Previous problems with leg Paralysis Recent immobilization Localised tenderness in deep calf or thigh Report to doctor straight away. In heart failure in addition there is shortness of breath and cannot lie flat Need to see heart specialist. Thyroid problems and anaemia can be diagnosed with complete blood count and thyroid function tests Sometimes it is seen people who are protein deficient, vegetarians, they have swelling of feet due to low protein Sometimes pregnancy can cause swelling during to low albumin levels Need to see obstetrician immediately.>
Eczema Chronic inflammatory skin condition Skin becomes dry and inflamed. The oily barrier of the skin is reduced and hence it becomes more susceptible to irritants. Sometimes the skin inflammation results in the formation of vesicles or pustules. Eczema is indicated by the redness and swelling of the skin. The skin itches at all stages. Allergens play an important role in causing eczema. The most common triggers are eggs, peanuts, chocolate, wheat,milk, chicken. Also may be caused by faulty metabolism, constipation, menstrual deficiencies, and stress. Treatments include emollients and topical steroids for flare ups. Take well balanced diet of seeds nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits Sprouts are useful. Avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, avoid sugar, white flour, tinned foods. Use vegetable juices as carrot, beet root, spinach . Patient education should be given. Avoid using soaps, avoid scratching and wear cotton clothing. Use non biological detergents. Coconut oil is also beneficial. Cold compresses and mud pack are sometimes beneficial over the inflamed patches.
Tired all the time Could be due to depression Obstructive sleep apnea,snoring. Sedative drugs, anaemia, diabetes, thyroid problems Chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes these people are perfectionists Wrong feeding habits Deficiency of vitamins. Lack of sleep. Intestinal parasites. Mental tension. Treatment should be Get blood tests Treat any deficiency and c Cause. Healthy foods Seeds nuts and grains Vegetables Fruits Sprouts Milk Honey Unrefined vegetable oils Fresh raw nuts Natural vitamin and mineral supplements vegetable juices Whole grain bread. Calcium and potassium containing foods. Vegetable juices as carrot, beetroot. Stop tea, coffee, white sugar, alcohol, white flour Sleep hygiene Avoid napping in the day . use bedroom only for sleep Dont fight with yourself if you are unable to sleep. A hot milk drink, hot bath may help before going to bed Light exercise Meditation Relaxation techniques. Snoring could be due to obstructive sleep apnea so meet the doctor to get sleep study done. The features may be daytime sleeping and unable to concentrate. Sleep study can be done arranged by doctor at home or at hospital overnight stay.>
Digestion problems Epigastric pain Bloating Nausea Vomiting Causes can be Ulcers Gastric inflammation Oesophageal inflammation Reflux disease H.pylori infection Dyspepsia. lactose intolerance Gallstones Irritable bowel syndrome Duodenal ulcer is suggested by epigastric pain which is worse before food and gets better with food. Gastric ulcer people are afraid to eat as get pain . Alarm features which require urgent intervention are. Problems swallowing Evidence of bleeding Anaemia Persistent vomiting. Unexplained weight loss. upper abdominal mass Jaundice Any medications Like brufen, bisphosphonate, calcium channel blockers. Coeliac disease fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, anaemia, malabsorption, osteoporosis, family history positive of coeliac disease. Treatment. Stop smoking alcohol spicy foods. Antacids. H.pylori positive will need eradication therapy. Acid suppressing medications. Eating too fast also causes to swallow air. Fruits such as orange grapes and watermelon pineapple are good , fruit fresh juices Never eat in a hurry Never eat and drink at the same time Do not mix foods at same time. Different class and variety of foods should be taken separately. Massage abdomen Get rid of constipation.
Multiple sclerosis MS is a disorder of the central nervous system due to damage in the nerve fibres that carry messages to and from the brain. This is chronic Progressive Demyelinating This destroys the covering or insulating material around the nervous fibres known as myelin. Many parts of the brain are involved. Usually affects people between 20 and 40 years of age. Woman are more affected. Symptoms can include any part of the body and include numbness, tingling, blurred vision, muscle weakness. sometimes there is balance problems . 3 mIn types Relapsing remitting means symptoms come and go. Primary progressive Secondary progressive. MRI brain . Lumbar puncture. sometimes also caused by viral attack. Sometimes could be immune reaction. The defence system can backfire and can start attacking the body's own cells. Treatment High dose steroids for acute cases. After the doctor sees Immunomodulator drugs Physiotherapy Speech therapy Diet plays an important role . Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, salt, spices, sugar, white flour, all refined foods, canned and frozen foods. Carrot plus beetroot juice and tomato juices. Multivitamins Massage therapy for muscles. Hot baths Cold showers Light exercises Swimming Warm climate Avoid overwork and fatigue
Rectal bleeding Causes Piles Anal fissures Diverticular disease Crohns disease Ulcerative colitis Bowel cancer Anal fistula Rectal prolapse Intestinal ischemia Bleeding diathesis Massive upper GI bleeding Urgent referral Right sided abdominal mass Rectal mass Rectal bleedjng with change in bowel habit Iron deficiency anaemia Older persons Any drugs history warfarin or brufen Any family history of bowel problems or bowel cancer. Blood tests Faecal occult test Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy. Sometimes cannot sit comfortably due to itching, discomfort and pain in the back region Chronic constipation In external piles there is lot of pain in internal piles there is a discharge of dark blood . Piles are more common in pregnancy, prolonged periods of standing, strenuous work, obesity ,mental tension. Treatment Get rid of constipation Certain foods are effective . Dry figs very effective soaked in water Grated white radish or radish juice helpful Cold water treatment to tone up Avoid straining at stool 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Yogic asanas Walking and swimming.
Premenstrual syndrome Condition in which women experience certain symptoms each month before their menstrual period. Approximately 40 percent of menstruating women suffer from PMS . In some women the onset of symptoms seems to coincide with ovulation and may then persist until the menstruation commences. Symptoms.may be abdominal bloating, tension headaches, breast tenderness, low mood, irritability. Sometimes there may be a weight gain of one kg or more due to salt and water retention. Management decrease sugar, decrease caffeine,avoid tea, spicy and fried food, decrease stress by relaxation, exercise, yoga and meditation Take vitamin E and B 6 and multivitamins. Treat chronic constipation. Cold compress to the lower abdomen may help. Certain medications at the advise of doctor are helpful. .
Thyroid diseases Hypothyroidism Underactive thyroid gland resulting in decreased production of thyroxine. Women are more prone to thyroid disease. In hypothyroidism the basal metabolism decreases below normal.The symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, constipation, dry skin , menstrual problems, dry scaly skin, puffiness in face, stiffness in joints,slow pulse rate.Once thyroxine is started will need bloods for thyroid function checked regularly. Hyperthyroidism This is a serious condition results from Overactive thyroid gland. symptoms are nervousness, weakness, sensitivity to heat, sweating, weight loss, palpitations, tremor, restlessness, bulging of eyes and thyroid swelling.The heart is overactive and usually enlarged. The pulse rate is rapid and usually irregular. Dietary measures should be to take juices of fresh fruits like oranges, apples, pineapple and grapes. Well balanced diet of seeds, nuts , grains ,fruits and vegetables. Plenty of rest. Avoid strictly white flour, white sugar, fried and greasy, tea, coffee and alcohol. The protein foods should consist of lentils , beans and nuts. Strict adherence to diet and medicines should be followed. Ultrasound scan of thyroid gland should be done if there is a palpable thyroid mass. Medicines should be under doctors supervision. .